Prior appointment
You can decide when you would like us to contact you so we can help with any account-related procedures.
By doing this we can offer you personalised information on your town or municipality.
Teléfono de atención al cliente
911 779 010 / 900 190 020 / 900 304 051
Customer service hours:
Lunes a viernes de 08.00 a 21:00 h.
Teléfono de averías
900 330 030
Customer service hours:
Disponible las 24 horas de los 365 días del año.
Teléfono para comunicar lecturas
900 816 200
Customer service hours:
Disponible las 24 horas de los 365 días del año.
Utiliza este teléfono para consultas
o gestiones comerciales.
Customer service hours:
De lunes a viernes de 08.00 a 21.00 h
You can decide when you would like us to contact you so we can help with any account-related procedures.
In order to complete the procedure we will ask you for your identity document: DNI, NIE or NIF.
If your inquiry is related to a payment, invoice or contract.
If you are not the account holder, we will need the document authorising you to act on their behalf.
Check the documentation required for new supply connections.
To find out which office is yours,
select your town or municipality here