After the first edition, 'Aquona, caring for water. Join us'.

Aquona has launched its second video contest for schoolchildren called 'I care for water'. The aim of this initiative is to involve the educational community, so that they play an active role in the task of caring for water, through efficient, ecological, social and sustainable consumption. 

The competition is aimed at primary school children in Castile-La Mancha and Castile and León municipalities where Aquona offers its services. Aguas de Puertollano and Aguas de León have joined the initiative this year.


Concurso del agua


In the first edition, the video contest received close to 30 videos from 23 education centres and over 66,000 views were recorded.

With the video competition ‘I care for water’, the aim is to raise awareness among school children in particular and the public in general about the care and good use of water as a rare and valuable natural resource which we need to preserve. Our future depends on protecting it. Sustainable use of water will guarantee its existence for future generations, minimising the environmental impact.

The competition is designed so that schoolchildren, with the guidance of their teachers, record one-minute videos that show how they will contribute to caring for water.

You can watch a video that describes the competition on its  YouTube channel. 

Videos will be sent by email to the address  aquona@aquona-sa.es

The key dates in the contest are:

  • The final deadline for sending videos will be 1 February 2019.
  • The voting dates are between 1 March and 22 March 2019, at 12 pm

The three winning videos will be those that have received the most likes on YouTube by 22 March at 12 pm. The awards will be €600 for first prize, €500 for second prize, and €300 for third prize.

In addition, as a new feature in this edition, a Quality Award will be awarded by a jury, with a prize of an additional €600.

We encourage all schoolchildren to play an active part in caring for water and contributing to disseminating this water culture..

Download the contest rules here.

Join #YoCuidoDelAgua (I care for water)