Verses to spread the UN SDGs
AQUONA publishes an illustrated children's collection of poems to highlight the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The book, written by Beatriz Giménez de Ory and with illustrations by Carole Hénaff, discloses the United Nations 2030 Agenda in an entertaining way.

Drop by drop is the title of the beautifully illustrated children's book of poems that AQUONA has just published to publicize the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Literature and art go hand in hand to bring the United Nations Agenda 2030 closer to society.
The SDGs and the 2030 Agenda are the United Nations' response to major global challenges such as climate change, social and gender inequality, loss of biodiversity and water scarcity, among others. Approved in 2015, they are the roadmap shared by the international community to build a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable society.
AQUONA, a leading company in the sustainable use of resources, aims to make these objectives known to kindergarten and primary school children through poetry, and involve them in being part of the solution to these great challenges, building a better future together. To do this, he edits the book Gota a gout, with texts by Beatriz Giménez de Ory and illustrations by Carole Hénaff, which illuminate each of the SDGs with verses and allegorical illustrations.
The book combines the musicality of meter and rhyme with color and drawing to awaken the imagination of early readers and convey the message of sustainability to them in an entertaining and attractive way. The work dedicates a poem to each of the 17 UN SDGs and in all of them water appears as the backbone, an example of the transversal importance of the liquid element in all areas of sustainability.
Giménez de Ory is a well-known author of children's literature and is dedicated to teaching as a teacher of Spanish Language and Literature. Her children's works are characterized by being written in verse and with them she has achieved several important recognitions in the last decade. In the author's opinion, to achieve the SDGs, “commitment, cooperation, understanding and clarity” are needed, the same clarity that water has, precisely, which is the backbone of this book.
She “I wanted to talk about water in all the SDGs and write about all of them. It was a stimulating and challenging condition, and it responded to a clear question: water is something fundamental for life and water is present in all poems ”, says Beatriz Giménez de Ory.
Each poem is accompanied by an illustration by Carole Hénaff, a French illustrator and graphic designer who has lived in Spain for years and has done work for the press and publishers in Spain, France, England and the United States.
The symbiosis between text and illustration favors the understanding, from emotion and beauty, of essential concepts for our common future with the UN SDGs and turn the book into a little publishing gem that both young and old will enjoy.
The edition of the book, made on 100% recycled paper, will be distributed in schools in Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y León to serve as educational and dissemination material on the importance of sustainability. In addition, the work can be downloaded in electronic format at the end of this same news.
Likewise, AQUONA will launch a campaign on its Twitter profile @infoAquona based on the book with the tag # VersosPara2030 to disseminate each one of the UN SDGs every week, helping to generate conversation about the 2030 Agenda.