Local initiatives

Diversity Charter 2019-2021

Aquona respects and encourages diversity in its broadest sense (social, racial, cultural, sexual, etc.) in its human team. For this reason, the company has renewed the seal that certifies its commitment to the Diversity Charter for the 2019-2021 period granted by the Diversity Foundation.

Through this seal, Aquona is committed to respect the current regulations on equal opportunities and anti-discrimination and assumes a decalogue of basic principles that must promote and disseminate. Check below:

Supportive sports grants

For the third consecutive year, Aquona has tried to help young people from Ciudad Real by providing sports grants so that they can address economic, social and other kinds of difficulties and practice sport under the same conditions as the rest of their teammates.

In total, Aquona has awarded 3,500 euros in 7 grants for four sports clubs in Ciudad Real. These are the Club Deportivo Manchego Ciudad Real de Fútbol, Balonmano Alarcos, Balonmano Caserío and Club Baloncesto Cervantes.

Aquona has a programme with similar characteristics in the city of Zamora. 

Water, Health and Childhood Programme

In Zamora, Aquona is promoting the programme 'Water, Health and Childhood', an initiative to collaborate in local associations in the city that have projects relating to the protection of childhood, health and the environment. Aquona funded 70% of the selected projects. The entities with which Aquona worked were Cruz Roja, Apego Lácteo, Autismo Zamora, Azdem and Trascampus

Video contests to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

‘Get wet for the SDGs’ wants to go beyond publicizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The objective is to involve schoolchildren, associations and the general public to join and be part of the solution to the great global challenges such as climate change, inequalities, loss of biodiversity and, of course, water scarcity. Thinking globally, but acting locally. Now more than ever we are aware that our health is associated with the health of the planet.

Access the YouTube channel Get wet for the SDGs.

Access detailed information on terms, conditions, categories of participation and awards of the contest.